
Freelance NUJ Membership Options

Thinking of going freelance? If so, you’ll be joining the fastest growing sector of the NUJ – and the biggest. Now making up 30 per cent of the total membership it is streaking ahead of broadcasting which currently stands at 21 per cent.*

You may not know that there are 5 categories of membership of the NUJ – Staff, Freelance, Temporary, Associate and Asylum Seeker membership.

Under the Freelance category there is also Freelance Temporary Membership. This is for those trying to establish or re-establish themselves as a full-time journalist, who do not yet earn half of their income from freelance journalism and who don’t have another full-time job.

If this applies to you, then  apply online to join the NUJ as a temporary freelance member.

Temporary membership can last for up to three years. All temporary freelance members pay an annual membership rate of £60/€69 in the first year, £84/€96.60 in the second year and £102/€117.30 in the third year.

And you can apply online for regular Freelance membership of the union here.

If you have any problems filling in an online application, you can download a print version of the form.

If you are unable to fill out an application form online or in print, email: [email protected] or phone: 020 7843 3737

Freelance Salons are but one innovative initiative launched recently by the NUJ as a way of helping to keep freelances up to date with skills and training, offer networking opportunities and the chance to learn from a range of talented and successful self-employed journalists.

Our last Freelance Salon was held on 4 November, 2017, at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Cardiff and our next is on 27th October 2018, again at the Radisson Blu Cardiff – with more details to follow soon.

(*NUJ Membership Statistics Report, 1 October 2016 to 34 August 2017).

The National Union of Journalists covers a broad range of sectors and job roles. As freelances, you may work outside the more traditional sectors of newspapers, news agencies, broadcasting and magazines.

Our membership also includes those who work in photography, public relations, communications, and new media. If you are involved in any or a mix of these sectors, there is a place for you in the NUJ!

Reasons to join the NUJ (from the main NUJ website)

Equality: there is less chance for discrimination in a unionised workplace.

NUJ Extra: our registered charity helps members and their dependants in times of need.

Health and safety: union reps have powers to ensure the risks of injury or ill-health are reduced or eliminated at work.

Legal support: every year the NUJ helps hundreds of members win damages from employers and clients.

More pay and holidays: the NUJ can help improve pay rates and in a unionised workplace you get more annual leave.

Press freedom: the union defends press freedom when it comes under threat.

Ethics: the NUJ has its own code of conduct and support services for members.

Training: the union provides training for members UK-wide. In Wales, Welsh Government provides funding for a training programme for media and Comms professionals living and/or working in Wales.

The NUJ is an independent trade union and has been representing journalists throughout the media industry for over 100 years.

The union is a democratic, member led grass roots organisation – it is members in workplace chapels and branches who shape union policy and direct priorities.

A strong union is good for workers and good for business. The TUC has published reports showing evidence of of the good unions do.

Read the quotes from our members about why they joined the NUJ.

Please note that as NUJ Training Wales exists to provide training and skills development opportunities to members and all media professionals in Wales we do not handle membership enquiries. If you need to speak to someone please use the phone number or email address above.
