
Blog Newyddion NUJ Training Wales

Reporting belief – in practice

Will Hayward has been a reporter at Media Wales for the past nine months after graduating from Cardiff University’s School of Journalism.  As a general reporter he writes about anything and everything for Wales Online, The Western Mail and The South Wales Echo. His main areas of interest are science, the environment, West Brom and […]

Reporting Belief 2017: An appetite for engagement

What a day! At Reporting Belief 2017  on May 10th (#RB17) two ‘communities’ who often clash − journalists and ‘believers’ – came together to understand one another better. Of the 88 people who attended, 44 were journalists from press, broadcast and online media. An immediate, ground-breaking result is ITV Cymru Wales’s offer to do a […]

#ReportingBelief16: When Religion Makes the News

“A much-needed and timely event – and we were reminded today of how little we know about religions. Without knowledge, we can’t report on and challenge the more problematic aspects of religion and if we don’t do that, extremism flourishes and people retreat into their own echo chambers. It was also great to meet some […]

#VisitMyMosque and Reporting Faith

How can journalists adequately report today’s many complex stories involving religion? Are we well equipped to cover the range of beliefs and multiple interactions within global culture as well as on our own doorstep? And are we sufficiently objective about how our own belief systems, secular or otherwise, may affect our engagement with those of […]

Training for my niche area of journalism

Q&A with freelance journalist, Jamie Carter ( Jamie is a freelance travel & technology journalist based in Cardiff. Although he started his journalistic career in Cardiff in 1997, he had to move to London in order to further his career. However, having made lots of contacts in the UK and around the world, he was […]

Rwy’n credu bod cyflwr diwydiant y cyfryngau yng Nghymru yn fygythiad uniongyrchol i unrhyw hawl ar genedligrwydd

Cwestiwn ac Ateb gyda’r Newyddiadurwr Llawrydd, Jamie Carter ( Newyddiadurwr teithio a thechnoleg llawrydd wedi’i leoli yng Nghaerdydd yw Jamie. Er iddo ddechrau ei yrfa newyddiadurol yng Nghaerdydd ym 1997, bu raid iddo symud i Lundain er mwyn datblygu ei yrfa. Fodd bynnag, wedi iddo greu llawer o gysylltiadau yn y DU ac o gwmpas […]

The Georgina Henry/ Women in Journalism award for Innovation

This award is named after Georgina Henry in recognition of her history of finding and nurturing new talent and is presented annually. The prize of £4000 will be used to fund either a project or pay for living expenses during work experience at two or more major national news organisations, arranged by the organisers. Applicants […]

John McCarthy on Surviving Captivity

John McCarthy, the journalist and former hostage, gave the first Nick Lewis Memorial Lecture at Cardiff University’s School of Journalism, on Tuesday, 18 November. By Anna Wynn Roberts John McCarthy’s face was so familiar to me when I saw him speak at Cardiff University this week that I felt I knew him. Pictures of him […]

Writing is good for your health – it’s official

By Lyn Alderson You’re a professional journalist – or aspiring to be one. You’ve probably been writing since childhood, or at least since sixth form. If you’re anything like me, you loved expressive writing at school – the chance to put your thoughts, feelings and opinions down, to create an intriguing story or let off […]

Play to your Strengths

By Frances Dredge, Purple Pear Communications and Training IF YOU’RE thinking about improving your life in some way, whether it’s to do with furthering your career or beefing up your social life, you might find a few ‘positive psychology’ tips useful. Rather than poring over weaknesses and ways to correct them, this approach to self-development […]


Digwyddiadau i ddod

September / 13 / Gwe

Sgiliau cyflym: Datganiad i’r wasg (Saesneg)


October / 4 / Gwe

Sgiliau cyflym: Datganiad i’r wasg (Cymraeg)


NUJ Training Cymru Wales