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All information you provide will be stored and used in accordance with the Data Protection Act. Under the Data Protection Act 1998, you have a right to access the data the Welsh Government (WG) holds about you and to correct the information in the future.

This privacy notice sets out how the information will be used and who will have access to it. The information collected will be provided to the WG and in some instances to parties working on their behalf.

This information will be used to monitor and report on the number of people taking part in projects. It will be used by the WG and other public bodies to carry out the funding, planning, monitoring and inspection of learning and to produce statistical publications. The information obtained will be used by approved social research organisations, to carry out research, analysis or equal opportunities monitoring. The information collated will be used by auditors and to link your records to other data sources for the purpose of evaluating the impact of the project and to determine what the impact has been on the people who took part.

Research organisations will only contact a sample of individuals. If you are contacted to take part in any research/evaluation about your experience on the project the purpose of the interview or survey will be explained to you and you will be given the option to say yes or no to taking part. Your contact details will only be used for approved research purposes and in accordance with the Data Protection Act. The research organisations will delete your contact details once this approved research is complete.

Please speak to the NUJ Training Wales Project Manager or Project Coordinator if you have any concerns.


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    FSF: Analytics – power up your social media success with data know-how


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    Maximise your campaign reach with TV news


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    Fast Skills Fridays: Maximising your Linkedin presence


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    NUJ Training Cymru Wales