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Course Details

Fast and free digital tools for Journalists and Comms professionals – with Dan Mason


May / 12 / Wed  @  10:00 am  -  May / 12 / Wed  @  1:00 pm




NUJ members resident in Wales £15.00
Members of other unions resident in Wales £20.00
Non-union members resident in Wales £25.00
Non-residents of Wales £35.00


NUJ Cymru Training Wales,
Email : [email protected]

What’s it about?

As freelancers in the creative industries, we all face the same challenge: too much to do and not enough time to do it. We know there are online platforms and mobile apps to help with promotion, social media, productivity, finance and more, but where do you start when a Google search presents such a bewildering choice?

This half-day workshop focuses on a few tried-and-tested tools and approaches that help produce results on a shoestring. Think of it like a digital tasting menu. Of course, every creative professional has their own favoured platforms and workflows, so there will be time to swop tools and ideas too. An online toolbox with links to tools covered during the workshop (and more) will be shared on the day. To keep it simple, all the tools included are free (some with premium options) and easy to master.

Who’s it for?

Journalists, Comms professionals, Creative professionals, especially freelancers, including writers, musicians, actors and photographers. Content creators working with corporate, charity or community organisations are also welcome. Participants will be using an internet browser on a daily basis.

What will I learn?

This hands-on workshop will focus on a few core approaches and useful tools, with others available via a shared online toolbox. Participants will be required to register with and use selected cloud-based applications during the workshop. During the three-hour workshop, participants will try tools for:

  • Reading. Tools for following reading news, topics and online sources
  • Writing. Tools for writing, spellchecking, posting and sharing
  • Searching. Good sources for free stock images, music, icons and more
  • Organisation. How to create an online toolbox in Google Chrome, including links and ‘extensions’ for managing meetings, passwords, image editing, screencasts and more
  • Content creation. Quick online tools for editing images, video and audio
  • Networking and promotion. Tools for portfolios, email signatures, newsletters, collaboration and project management, plus freelance commissions

What equipment will I need?

  • A laptop or desktop computer with the Chrome browser installed (and without corporate firewall restrictions preventing website access, downloads and registration). The workshop is not recommended for those using only a smartphone or tablet
  • A Gmail address. You will be invited to register with online tools on the day, so easy access to your email account email may be necessary to confirm registration

About the trainer

Dan Mason is a multimedia trainer specialising in online and mobile. He also leads the popular NUJ Training Wales workshop, Shoot and Edit on a Smartphone .

A journalist for over 30 years, Dan was an award-winning editor before establishing his training and media consultancy in 2010. Since then he has worked in over 30 countries throughout the Middle East, Africa and Asia. He is based in Baku, Azerbaijan, where he leads a journalism Master’s programme. In the UK, Dan trains extensively with organisations including the National Union of Journalists, Writers’ Guild of Great Britain, Equity (actors’ union) and Musicians’ Union, as well as the CIPR (Chartered Institute for Public Relations) and government, corporate and PR clients.

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