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Course Details

Sgiliau Cyflym: Y Datganiad Perffaith i’r Wasg


October / 4 / Fri  @  12:00 pm  -  October / 4 / Fri  @  1:00 pm




NUJ members resident in Wales £5.00
NUJ Member - Not resident in Wales £20.00
Members of other unions resident in Wales £10.00
Non-union members resident in Wales £15.00
Non-residents of Wales £25.00


NUJ Cymru Training Wales,
Email : [email protected]

Hyfforddwr: Richard Nosworthy

Ydych’ch sefydliad chi’n sicrhau’r sylw dych chi eisiau yn y cyfryngau? Mae datganiad i’r wasg da yn rhan pwysig o ddenu diddordeb newyddiadurwyr ac ymgysylltu â’r cyhoedd. Yn y cwrs byr hwn, bydd y cyfathrebwr profiadol a chyn-newyddiadurwr Richard Nosworthy yn esbonio’r hyn mae’n cymryd i roi datganiad gwych at ei gilydd.

Anelir y cwrs yma at unrhyw un sy’n cyfrifol am gysylltiadau gyda’r cyfryngau yn ei sefydliad.


Mae hwn yn gwrs Ar-lein, sy’n cael ei redeg ar y platfform Zoom. Sylwch nad yw ein cyrsiau wedi’u cofnodi. Gweler ein telerau ac amodau llawn yn am ragor o wybodaeth am ein gweithdrefnau archebu, polisi canslo a mwy.


Trainer: Richard Nosworthy

Is your organisation getting the media coverage it needs? A well-written press release is a key part of attracting the interest of journalists and engaging the public. In this short course, experienced communicator and former journalist Richard Nosworthy will explain what it takes to put a great release together.

This course is aimed at anyone responsible for media relations in their organisation.


This is an Online course, run on the Zoom platform. Please note our courses are not recorded. See our full terms and conditions at for more information about our booking procedures, cancellation policy and more.

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NUJ Training Cymru Wales