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Course Details

Strategic Communications | Cyfathrebu Strategol


September / 20 / Thu  @  9:30 am  -  September / 20 / Thu  @  5:00 pm


The OpTIC Centre


NUJ members resident in Wales £35.00
Members of other unions resident in Wales £47.50
Non-union members resident in Wales £70.00


Richard Speight, Project Manager
Email : [email protected]

Trainer: Simon Williams

Strategic communications are central to the success of businesses, charities, private and public organisations.
Knowing how to deliver integrated and effective campaigns using social media, websites, email and print publications is now as essential as gaining traditional media coverage. And underpinning an effective communications strategy – especially with the use of social media – is reputation management.
This one-day course will guide you step-by-step through developing a communications strategy. We’ll cover everything from setting goals, understanding audiences and developing messages, to deciding channels, planning content and measuring success. With many practical tips along the way, this strategic approach will mean your communications have the impact they need.
Please note that although the course will include a look at what is and what isn’t an effective press release it will not include how to write one.
Learning outcomes
Know how to create a practical and useful communications strategy for your business, organisation or campaign
Be familiar with approaches to identifying and understanding audiences
Understand how to craft impactful campaign messages
Appreciate the range and relative merits of communications channels (eg news media, web, email, social media, print publications)
Understand how to plan and implement appropriate communications activities – e.g. press releases and media opportunities, engaging content for online and offline media
Who should attend?
Those already working in Communications or PR
Journalists planning on moving into a communications role
What you need to bring
If your organisation has a brand or an organisational strategy it would be useful for you to familiarise yourself with it/them before the workshop. You could even bring it along.
Other information
We have a cancellation policy of two weeks (10 working days) prior to the start of the course. If you cancel in this period we will be unable to refund any course fees.
If you are a member of the NUJ and have been made redundant in the last six months or are facing redundancy you are entitled to two days of training free of charge, please [email protected] and we will let you know how to book on this course for free.

Cyfathrebu Strategol – Gogledd Cymru

Hyfforddwr: Simon Williams

Mae cyfathrebu strategol yn ganolog i lwyddiant busnesau, elusennau, sefydliadau preifat a sefydliadau cyhoeddus.
Mae gwybod sut i gyflwyno ymgyrchoedd integredig ac effeithiolgan ddefnyddio’r cyfryngau cymdeithasol, gwefannau, e-bost a chyhoeddiadau print bellach yr un mor hanfodol ag ennill sylw’r cyfryngau traddodiadol. Mae rheoli enw dayn sail i strategaeth gyfathrebu effeithiol – yn enwedig gyda’r defnydd o’r cyfryngau cymdeithasol.
Bydd y cwrs undydd hwn yn eich arwain cam wrth gam trwy ddatblygu strategaeth gyfathrebu. Byddwn yn ymdrin â phopeth o osod nodau, deall cynulleidfaoedd a datblygu negeseuon, i benderfynu ar sianelau, cynllunio cynnwys a mesur llwyddiant.Gyda llawer o awgrymiadau ymarferol ar hyd y ffordd, bydd y dull strategol hwn yn golygu bod eich cyfathrebiadau yn cael yr effaith a ddymunir.
Sylwer: er y bydd y cwrs yn edrych ar yr hyn sy’n gwneud datganiad i’r wasg effeithiol, ni fyddyn cynnwys sut i ysgrifennu datganiad i’r wasg effeithiol.
Deilliannau Dysgu
Gwybod sut i greu strategaeth gyfathrebu ymarferol a defnyddiol ar gyfer eich busnes, sefydliad neu ymgyrch
Bod yn gyfarwydd â’r dulliau o adnabod a deall cynulleidfaoedd
Deall sut i lunio negeseuon ymgyrch sy’n cael effaith
Gwerthfawrogi cyrhaeddiad a rhinweddau cymharol gwahanol sianelau cyfathrebu (e.e. y cyfryngau newyddion, y we, e-bost, y cyfryngau cymdeithasol, cyhoeddiadau print)
Deall sut i gynllunio a gweithredu gweithgareddau cyfathrebu priodol – e.e. datganiadau i’r wasg a chyfleoedd cyfryngau, cynnwys diddorol ar gyfer y cyfryngau ar-lein a’r cyfryngau all-lein
Ar gyfer pwy mae’r hyfforddiant?
Unigolion sydd eisoes yn gweithio yn y maes Cyfathrebu neu Gysylltiadau Cyhoeddus
Newyddiadurwyr sy’n bwriadu symud i swydd yn y maes Cyfathrebu
Beth sydd angen i chi ddod gyda chi?
Os oes gan eich sefydliad strategaeth brand neu strategaeth sefydliadol, byddai’n ddefnyddiol i chi ymgyfarwyddo eich hun â hi/nhw cyn y gweithdy. Gallech hyd yn oed ddod â’r strategaeth(au) gyda chi i’r cwrs.
Gwybodaeth arall
Mae gennym bolisi canslo o bythefnos(10 diwrnod gwaith) cyn i’r cwrs ddechrau. Os ydych yn canslo yn y cyfnod hwn ni fyddwn yn gallu ad-dalu’r ffioedd cwrs.
Os ydych chi’n aelod o’r NUJ ac wedi cael eich diswyddoyn y chwe mis diwethaf neu os ydych chi’n wynebu diswyddiad, mae gennych hawl i gael dau ddiwrnod o hyfforddiant am ddim, anfonwch e-bost i [email protected] byddwn yn rhoi gwybod i chi sut i archebu lle ar y cwrs hwn am ddim.

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