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Course Details

Creu podlediadau ar gyfer eich sefydliad


November / 16 / Tue  @  10:00 am  -  November / 16 / Tue  @  12:30 pm




NUJ members resident in Wales £15.00
NUJ Member - Not resident in Wales £40.00
Members of other unions resident in Wales £20.00
Non-union members resident in Wales £30.00
Non-residents of Wales £50.00


NUJ Cymru Training Wales,
Email : [email protected]

***Sylwch y bydd y cwrs hwn yn Cymraeg – Please note this course will be in Welsh***

*** Testun dwyieithog – sgroliwch i lawr am iaith Saesneg ***

***Bilingual text – scroll down for English language***

Mae podledu yn ffordd gynyddol boblogaidd i gyrraedd cynulleidfaoedd gyda chynnwys afaelgar.

Bydd y cwrs hanner diwrnod hwn yn eich cyflwyno i greu podlediadau ar gyfer eich sefydliad neu elusen

Byddwn yn mynd trwy’r proses o gynllunio, cynhyrchu ac hyrwyddo podlediad fel rhan o waith cyfathrebu strategol.

I bwy mae’r cwrs?

Anelir y cwrs at weithwyr cyfathrebu sydd eisiau datblygu podlediad fel rhan o’i strategaeth cyfathrebu.

Beth fydda i’n ei ddysgu?

Erbyn diwedd y bore byddwch chi’n dysgu:

• Sut mae’r byd podledu yn datblygu, a’r cyfleoedd i gyfathrebwyr

• Sut i gynllunio eich podlediad

• Y camau ymarferol ac opsiynau o ran recordio a golygu sain

• Sut i hyrwyddo podlediad fel rhan o’r cyfathrebiadau ehangach


Mae Richard Nosworthy yn Arbenigwr Cyfathrebu Llawrydd dwyieithog, gyda ffocws ar weithio i elusennau a sefydliadau dielw. Yn gyn newyddiadurwr a Gohebydd Iechyd yn newyddion ITV Cymru, bu Richard yn gweithio am 8 mlynedd yn WWF Cymru, lle daeth yn Bennaeth Cyfathrebu a rheolodd ymgyrchoedd a phrosiectau cyfathrebu eiriolaeth. Darganfyddwch fwy yn

Podcasts are an increasing popular way to reach new audiences with engaging content.

This half-day course is an introduction to starting a podcast for your organisation or charity.

You will learn the process of planning, producing and promoting your podcast as part of your wider communications strategy.

Who is it for?

The course is aimed at communications workers who are interested in developing a podcast as part of their communications strategy.

What will I learn?

• How the world of podcasting is developing, and the opportunities it presents to communicators

• How to plan your podcast

• The process and options available for recording and audio editing

• How to promote your podcast as part of your wider comms strategy


Richard Nosworthy is a bilingual Freelance Communications Specialist, with a focus on working for charities and non-profit organisations. A former journalist and Health Correspondent at ITV Wales news, Richard worked for 8 years at WWF Cymru, where he became Head of Communications and managed campaigns and advocacy communications projects. Find out more at:

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NUJ Training Cymru Wales