Course Details

Become a Copywriter

A two-hour webinar for journalists, PRs and marketing bods to teach the tools and techniques of copywriting

Copywriting can be a lucrative freelance career – and it’s especially suited to journalists and PRs.

In this two-hour webinar, journalist-turned-copywriter Hannah Abbott will show you how you can use your time in lockdown to branch out into freelance copywriting – or even launch a whole new career.

Who’s it for?

Journalists, PRs and marketing bods interested in becoming a freelance copywriter

You’ll learn:

• Why becoming a freelance copywriter is a great option

• How copywriting is different to journalism – and how you can use and adapt the writing skills you already have to succeed

• Practical things you can do during lockdown to get you off the ground (and even earning money) as a copywriter

• My biggest mistakes when starting out (so you don’t make them too!)

• Essential info on the business of being a freelance copywriter, including how to find clients, how to set your day rate and how to make sure you get paid

• Resources that will help you get ahead and get support.

You’ll leave with…

Practical tips, actionable steps, confidence to take the plunge.

About Hannah

Hannah is a former journalist for national and regional newspapers who became a freelance copywriter in 2013 – and hasn’t looked back.

She now runs a successful copywriting business from her home in Barry, South Wales. Her plain-speaking copy helps big brands and small businesses get results. She also helps aspiring copywriters get off the ground with her online course How To Become A Successful Freelance Copywriter.

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